Category Archives: Art

Handcrafted Sneak Peak

  In preparation for this Saturday’s Turks and Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation Art and Craft expo, here is a sneak peak of what will be available at our booth.   This not to be missed event will be held this Saturday, Nov 20th, in Turtle Cove Marina from 10am to 4pm.  Please click here for more information.

This new collection is very much about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  Firstly, a project that Joelle from Framing Grace gallery suggested from this magazine pull over the summer. 

Image from
image from here

Since fall has finally arrived here in the islands, it was high time to make these t-shirt necklaces.  The t-shirts were bought from the local Red Cross and Salvation Army stores, washed, dried in the sun, then cut, tied, and voila!  Several colors, styles, and lengths to choose from, at prices ranging from $10-$14, buy one for yourself and one for a friend!

Next up we have a family of shadowboxes in the Caribbean blues and greens.  Prices range from $30-36 each, discounts will be given for buying 3 or more.  Pair of island patterned handmade pillows $30, handmade matching wrap around tie shrug $20, hand embellished blue strapless top $30.

Below, the family of natural/nuetral shadowboxes featuring beach treasures, Turks and Caicos photographs, dried flora, and quotations.  Prices $30-$36 each. 

 Handmade white cotton pillows, rectangular $35, round $45.  Handmade blouse shrug, front featured above, back below, $28.
This family of shadowboxes center around Caribbean bright colors and architectural details.  Great for a more modern space that still wants to showcase some island charm.  $30-$36 each.  Hand embellished blue strapless top $30.  Handmade funky fabric pillow $30, matching fabric coasters $15 set of 5.
The final collection of shadowboxes feature more muted pastels, great for a nursery or powder room $30-$36 each.  Oriental lavender and mustard purse $25. Mustard crochet shrug $28.  Punchy orange and fuscia print pillow $30.
Have your own DIY shadowbox idea?  Plain white 8″ x 10″ shadowboxes available for $24 each.  If your in the Turks and Caicos Islands this weekend, come support your local artists!!!

Paint it Pink

All photos courtesy Graham Warner
Long before we built Fleur de Lys Villa, we lived in a cozy little beach side rental in Thompson’s Cove.  The rustic property consisted of a two story duplex and a much larger main house with traditional Caribbean wrap around porches.  We inhabited the upstairs studio when new tenants moved into the main house.  Graham and Dionne Warner were a friendly couple from Saskatchewan who quickly invited us over for dinner.  Over that meal we got to know our new neighbors and had lots of laughs thanks to their fantastic humor. We listened intently as Graham shared their love story and talked about how useful knowing the 5 love languages is in any relationship.  When we heard Dionne’s story, a touching account of surviving breast, brain, and liver cancers, clearly it was a miracle to be sitting next to this woman.   Dionne is a shining example of when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade.  Through her every adversity she puts on a smile.  Late last year we received the disheartening news that Dionne had yet another battle with cancer to win, not only did she put that beautiful smile back on, she once again put glowing smiles on everyone around her. 
Dionne bringing the warmth of Turks and Caicos to her hospital
Hospitals are not well known for being “fun” places to go.  In fact, most people dread walking through hospital doors even when entering as a visitor versus a patient. Dionne and Graham decided they were going to make it fun and cheerful to go for chemotherapy and testing, and make it a good time for everyone else too; doctors, nurses, friends, family, other patients, innocent bystanders:)  Graham has been sharing e-mails since late last year, documenting their creative and catchy themes and Dionne’s progress. 
Dionne in her “Ho, ho, ho” suit last December and with her father bringing their Jamaican heritage to the theme party
I personally loved the Mexico theme in honor of their personal chef Mariana
One June 11th Dionne walked in the Canadian Cancer‘s Relay for Life, where hundreds of supporters showed up to support other survivors, current fighters, and those that were honored in memory.
Dionne and Graham were able to make a trip to Provo for Easter so Dionne could fulfill her wishes to have sand beneath her toes and sunshine on her face.  Pictured here with fellow island buddies, I mean bunnies!
Dionne has been a huge inspiration to me and probably anyone who meets her.  She tirelessly crusades for cancer causes, only resting when her treatments literally knock her out like in the above photo.  Please join Dionne’s “angel network” and help her fight this nasty opponent called cancer.  This week is paint it pink canada week, calling on everyone to think pink today and enter Avon’s make, create, or do something in pink  contest.
I rallied my art students at the ECG Youth Center to create a special statement in pink to honor Dionne and her words to live and fight cancer by; DETERMINATION, LOVE, COURAGE, FAITH, HAPPINESS, HOPE, and STRENGTH.  Keep fighting the good fight Dionne!

Framing Grace Gallery

Image by Pepper Key Stacie
Hands holding blossom painting by Jen Maude, monstera leaf duo by Pepper Key Stacie
Framing Grace is the Turks and Caicos Islands newest gallery, a delicious little haven set in the fringe of the shopping district on Providenciales, just opposite Sunshine Nursery in the lovely Grace Bay Court.  Upon a browse inside one would find a sprinkling of antiques and handcrafted jewelry, as well as an impressive selection of paintings, photography, and prints from local and international artists.  But Framing Grace isn’t just a gallery; beyond the interior wooden arched door lies the framing workshop, the bones of the business.  If you are a home, condominium, or resort owner in the islands desiring to embellish your space, Framing Grace is the place to select the art that suits it best, and then custom design the way in which you choose to present it on your walls.   The adorable proprietor, Joelle Behlmaier, took a few minutes to chat with me
PKS:Where are you from?
JB:Annapolis, Maryland, US

PKS: How did you first become introduced to the Turks and Caicos Islands?
JB: Summer of 1992, School for Field Studies, South Caicos

PKS: Wow!  What was that experience like and what was the lasting impression?
JB: Spent the summer marine mapping for the fisheries department.  Diving the pristine waters completely spoiled all future diving experiences, creating a yearning to return to such an amazingly beautiful paradise.  I am super excited to start diving again, this time with my 15 year old daughter who will be certified next week.

PKS: What or who influenced your move to the TCI?
JB: I am an island girl at heart!

PKS: Has your career always included the arts?
JB: Always! I love making things beautiful whether it be a piece of paper, canvas, furniture, a room, or an entire home…

PKS: Who is your favorite artist or favorite artist of the moment?
JB: Stacie Steensland Gaudet of course, I am patiently waiting for her latest to enter the gallery.

PKS: Awesome answer but which artist would you dream about having a piece of work hanging in the gallery or in your home, in an ideal world?
JB: I would love to have “Almond Blossom” by Van Gogh, painted to welcome the birth of his nephew, hanging over a soaking tub in my master bath.

Vincent van Gogh’s Almond Blossom (oil on canvas,29×36-1/4 inches) hangs in Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum.  Image from

PKS: What is your favorite medium?
JB: Oils, I love texture

PKS: What do you like best about the Framing Grace business?
JB: I love to see the finished product, especially a piece of child’s art beautifully matted and framed into a piece that anyone, not just the parent, would adorn.

PKS: What aspect do you appreciate the most about living in the Turks and Caicos Islands?
JB: The ease of living allows for much more time to spend with my children.

I encourage everyone to visit the gallery and have their own chat with Joelle!  Summer Hours Monday Friday 12-2pm or by appointment 649.333.1339

Jennifer Maude Purse Party

Yesterday I attended a fabulous party hosted by Jennifer Maude, an island artist and friend of mine.  Mrs Maude is oh so talented and as versatile as she is stylish.  Her paintings are contemporary; typically incorporating graphics such as text, damask, or floral pattern into her depictions.  Her series of island portraits of the Turks and Caicos common laborer are my personal favorites, the juxtaposition of such detailed facial features on the men sternly standing in their dreamlike other world backgrounds.  But she doesn’t stop at paintings, Jen creates jewelry, a line of eco friendly bath and beauty products, handpainted cards and stationary sets, and last but not least the highlight of the party, bohemian chic handbags.  I adore her latest retro marketing campaign, please see more on facebook.

Photographs of the Purse Party at Jen’s studio at One Lofts by Pepper Key Stacie
If the above has not sold you on a one of a kind DIY handbag, please read below to see how affordable her creations are.  You may find a selection of Jen’s work or catch one of her life drawing classes at Re*Store